Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Luna Lovegood For Sale

SNGG / earthquakes in the world of private security, FUSCO "FORWARD ALL TO ALL" BEST WISHES

this letter and 'STSTA SENT TO:


Mr. President, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, we apologize again if "disturbed" but we should be having to mark what continues to happen in our state supervisory private. This OS for some years is in charge only of protecting the rights of security guards. We started in March 2007 with four (4) members to get to this day many hundreds. We have always reported each type of anomaly in local institutions but often, if not always, we never received any response on the outcome of the investigation. From North to South and from East to West, many supervisory institutions are "fallen" into our network. Complaints dealt mainly with respect to the Negotiable category and compliance with regulations, directives and ministerial circulars. When this OS, also writes to you SS.LL., so to speak, to you who work from Rome in the "palaces of power," union does not do it for publicity and / or personnel, but rather to alert you to things and situations that appear to be unclear and not work. When we wrote to the Minister of Interior, just pointing out the correct behavior of Dr. XXXXX it Prefecture of Caserta, who made his Super Output type woman "does not need to meet you", yet nothing has changed as the situation worsens and the security guards for Caserta more clear we never received any call from anybody. To explain the Italian situation, at least as far as our work is as follows: NAMES OF ISIT WERE REMOVED TO PROTECT THE PRIVACYPotremmo go on but we stop here to avoid stealing too much time. We also talked about security bodies of Oderzo, Turin, Savona, Alessandria, Olbia, Ravenna, Udine, Venice, Viterbo, Rome etc. You tell us what we do and who we need to go! For those of us who believe in what he does, it's demoralizing and sometimes humiliating If the Italian state makes the laws, the same must be respected by all and not "two weights two measures other than" or wrong? Who controls the controller? Do you realize we are in that situation? Or pretend not to see and do not know? Did you know that in Italy are among the armed security guards and about fifty (50) thousand units? Exist or not? Are you aware of the assaults occurred in Cash last 10 years and have caused many deaths? Sorry for the outburst but it is right by our clarifying the ideas being seated in a chair because you might have another kind of vision. I am personally disgusted by the conduct of Local Government, by general laxity in the supervision of private ministerial circulars, lack of controls, the indifference of the authorities. I am ashamed to be an Italian citizen, maybe you should at least be non-EU citizen you have the law on your side, if it exists in Italy a law. What are other's problems, but we also agree that those responsible then declares his complete lack of interest in a category so important, even It is right. Suffice it to say that yet another penalty by the European Court has not shaken at all you SS.LL., both Italy and now we made the call. Italy goes on just because we are a bunch of many "big sheep asleep." To say nothing of those great Lords Weather unions CGIL, CISL and UIL!! To speak of these "gentlemen" would take a life but we will try to simplify to the maximum. Who said and what the law says that collective bargaining can only take part in the Masters National Weather CGIL, CISL and UIL and we employed completely cut off? Maybe because we might break the balance created in the course of time? I prefer Jesus to Allah mangio spaghetti e non riso, io chiamo Italia, Patria e non brucio la bandiera, la mortadella mi ha da sempre disgustato e soprattutto nella mia lingua non c’è mai stata una “K” e non ci sarà mai. Io sono italiano, però cerco di dirlo a bassa voce. Abbiamo anche ricevuto, come O.S., una lettera a firma dell’On. Valentini datata 16.1.2009 che comunicava che il Signor Presidente del Consiglio a causa dei troppi impegni non avrebbe potuto avere incontri non istituzionali. Da oggi fino al 2013, che dice Signor Presidente, troverà un po’ di tempo anche per noi? Ci auguriamo di sì. Tengo a precisare che quanto dichiarato è tutto documentabile non con le chiacchiere ma con i fatti. Questa è una categoria disarray and invisible to many and all. In this environment, everyone acts like he wants and moves undisturbed view of the lack of controls. I think it is a duty on the part of you SS.LL. reflect on the work of some prefects and Gentlemen Quaestors and Provincial Labour Departments in all cities of Italy. In our humble opinion, if we do not put your hands, we are bound to sink, and then what? The moment does not change anything for our class, SS.LL. Expect sensational action (any action is required by law) to this OS, if it were necessary to our invitation or request for documents relevant to our statements, we are at your disposal. We end up in one word! HELP! LA EDITORIAL SNGG


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