Wednesday, April 23, 2008

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In memoria delle guardie giurate morte in servizio

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Guardieinformate reaches 2,000 members and has no intention to stop ..
in just over year, the site and 'became a focal point for hundreds of security guards, dozens of would-some of them through the site have also found work.
Every day we publish the news of record, the site is constantly updated with the recent press regarding strikes, legislation, national press, and more serve to keep all members informed that to date are 2,000. Planned
more than 4,000 by year-end adjustments and several initiatives that involve all the guards.
The site and 'open to all, registration and' free and entails no obligation. Today and 'the site most visited by security guards in particular Italy, which enrich the forum every day with their actions.

also already several months GuardieInformate has made a covenant with the SindacatoNazionale security guard, creating a petition / guardiegiurate who has already collected piu di 1.300 firme
Sul web corre un binomio: & ,o anche Leonardo Cea & Marco Fusco che sono i rispettivi autori di quesi siti.
L’informazione per le guardie d’Italia passa prima da GuardieInformate .

Monday, April 7, 2008

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(AGI) - Roma, 7 nov. - Per abbreviare i tempi di concessione dell'indennita' ordinaria di disoccupazione, l'INPS ha predisposto un modello di dichiarazione sostitutiva , da presentare insieme alla domanda di indennita', nel quale il lavoratore interessato puo' autocertificare i dati relativi all'ultimo rapporto di lavoro. Queste informazioni, indispensabili per la liquidazione dell'indennita', erano fino ad oggi comunicate INPS solely by the employer, through a model (Ds.22), with an extension of time to clear. The application form allows you to INPS instead of having all the information required for immediate settlement of the benefit. As an alternative to self, and 'can continue to make the mod yet. Ds.22. Basically, from now on the employee to obtain the compensation 'regular unemployment, must' register as unemployed at the Job Centre and submitted a claim 'INPS within 68 days after termination of employment relationship. The application must be delivered directly to the pension scheme or Centrovita for use by residence or by the competent Bodies of patronage or mailed to you. With the application must be submitted a certificate of registration as unemployed, the demand for income tax deductions and the new model of self-certification or mod. SD 22 completed by the employer. The benefit 'of unemployment from 8 days from dismissal if the application is filed within the first 7 days from 5Â day after submitting the application in other cases. The benefit 'to be paid in the period from 1st April 2005 until 31 December 2006 and' calculated as follows: - the workers with age 'of less than 50 years it is 50% of salary for the first six months and 30% for the seventh month - for employees with 50 years or more 'of age', it is 50% of earnings for the first 6 months, 40% for the three months and 30% for the tenth month. The benefit 'of unemployment is up to redundant workers who may rely on at least two years of unemployment insurance and at least 52 weekly contributions in the two years preceding the date of termination of employment. Is not recognized in respect of those who resigned voluntarily, with the exception of workers on maternity '. The benefit 'is also granted to those who have' discharged for just cause (eg., Non-payment of wages, sexual harassment, job changes, bullying, etc.).. (AGI)

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the undersigned hereby Trade union organization shall communicate to all members on the national territory to initiate contact with all the procedures of the provincial offices and / or local CAF CIA in order to communicate over the filling in of the event 730. The Convention is active throughout the country as per the agreement signed this National Secretariat, the security guards entered in this OS will demonstrate to employees of the CIA various locations CAF membership card. otherwise the agreement is active. We invite you to look directly on the official website of the CSO CIA and clicking on the link to view the locations most convenient to you. In case of problems please contact the leaders of Provincial Offices spread across the country. THE SECRETARY NAZIONALELì 06.04.2008

Thursday, April 3, 2008

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Misano Adriatico, 04/03/2008 ( - \u200b\u200bpress releases) still controversy on commissioning given to security guards. Hard and in no uncertain terms the response of the National Secretary of the National Union security guards Marco Fusco says that following the move as "stupid" to pick up votes of the political left. "As expressed by the Council of Ministers is nothing more than yet another" scam "made to operators of private security and security guards. Who enacts such a law may not be aware of the existence, in a case of the Law 146 of 1990 on the essential public service delle Guardie Giurate, vista la commissione di garanzia per la legge sull'attuazione sullo sciopero. In pratica continua a non essere modificato assolutamente nulla dello status giuridico delle guardie giurate. Niente eravamo e niente siamo rimasti. Questo è l'ennesimo tentativo della sinistra di raccogliere voti. Ma non riusciranno nel loro intento "balordo" di accaparrarsi la fiducia degli operati della Vigilanza Privata. Lo status giuridico è tutt'altra cosa; occorre la qualifica di agente di polizia giudiziaria nello svolgimento delle mansioni, allora si che cambia la musica". Insomma una situazione descritta dal Segretario Nazionale Marco Fusco come la furbata politica del secolo. Ancora Fusco- "Sarà anche vero che il quoziente intellettivo di noi Guardie Sworn to tap in some cases sufficient, but we self exist precisely for this reason and that is to explain and inculcate that this situation is just a hoax. "And then turns to the Honourable Fusco Minniti" It takes ability and willingness to make things, but obviously in the Council of Ministers a few days has reigned the absolute uncaring attitude for a category that lives in complete surrender. "And finally Fusco is angry with the unions Confederate" The CGIL, CISL and UIL? Unions incompetent, inefficient and sometimes unable to defend the rights of the employees of private security. Do you think that with the new renewal of CCNL class a few years ago, we received an increase di 120 euro in 4 anni; alla faccia della capacità. Io farei mangiare loro con uno stipendio di 1000 euro mensili. C'è la casta politica e l'altra casta dei sindacati confederati; ma non finisce qui". Un fiume in piena Marco Fusco che da anni si batte per difendere quei pochi diritti che hanno le guardie giurate che in Italia sono circa 54 mila.