Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Watery Mucus Day Before Period

Incentives: car at bargain prices in Germany

Apprendo oggi dal sito di Repubblica che in Germania i listini Fiat (Accessible via are as follows:

Only € 4990 for a Panda, Grande Punto for 6450 and 9990 for Bravo: No, not used, but brand-new three-year warranty.

We carry the article of the Republic

These are list prices in Germany, where Fiat have just launched the incentives: no need to be large for analysts to find out, just go to a second site . de to see how the automotive world, in Italy, is really on the brink of the abyss.

And now because if confirmed will be the first leaks about the incentives that Italy is preparing to launch (something like € 1000 per car) at its meeting this afternoon to the Government, means that there will be a river of cars bought in Germany and then resold in Italy.

a Panda market today on our coast in fact at best (km0, plus a discount promotion Fiat dealership), 8000 €, a Grande Punto and Bravo 10 000 14 000: Price differences between three and five thousand euro then with the same cars sold in Germany.


There's no denying in Italy abbiamo molto da fare anche, certo è che con quei prezzi il mercato si risolleverebbe alla grande, altrimenti corriamo il rischio che tutti vadano a comprare le macchine in Germania.

Luna Lovegood For Sale

SNGG / earthquakes in the world of private security, FUSCO "FORWARD ALL TO ALL" BEST WISHES

this letter and 'STSTA SENT TO:


Mr. President, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, we apologize again if "disturbed" but we should be having to mark what continues to happen in our state supervisory private. This OS for some years is in charge only of protecting the rights of security guards. We started in March 2007 with four (4) members to get to this day many hundreds. We have always reported each type of anomaly in local institutions but often, if not always, we never received any response on the outcome of the investigation. From North to South and from East to West, many supervisory institutions are "fallen" into our network. Complaints dealt mainly with respect to the Negotiable category and compliance with regulations, directives and ministerial circulars. When this OS, also writes to you SS.LL., so to speak, to you who work from Rome in the "palaces of power," union does not do it for publicity and / or personnel, but rather to alert you to things and situations that appear to be unclear and not work. When we wrote to the Minister of Interior, just pointing out the correct behavior of Dr. XXXXX it Prefecture of Caserta, who made his Super Output type woman "does not need to meet you", yet nothing has changed as the situation worsens and the security guards for Caserta more clear we never received any call from anybody. To explain the Italian situation, at least as far as our work is as follows: NAMES OF ISIT WERE REMOVED TO PROTECT THE PRIVACYPotremmo go on but we stop here to avoid stealing too much time. We also talked about security bodies of Oderzo, Turin, Savona, Alessandria, Olbia, Ravenna, Udine, Venice, Viterbo, Rome etc. You tell us what we do and who we need to go! For those of us who believe in what he does, it's demoralizing and sometimes humiliating If the Italian state makes the laws, the same must be respected by all and not "two weights two measures other than" or wrong? Who controls the controller? Do you realize we are in that situation? Or pretend not to see and do not know? Did you know that in Italy are among the armed security guards and about fifty (50) thousand units? Exist or not? Are you aware of the assaults occurred in Cash last 10 years and have caused many deaths? Sorry for the outburst but it is right by our clarifying the ideas being seated in a chair because you might have another kind of vision. I am personally disgusted by the conduct of Local Government, by general laxity in the supervision of private ministerial circulars, lack of controls, the indifference of the authorities. I am ashamed to be an Italian citizen, maybe you should at least be non-EU citizen you have the law on your side, if it exists in Italy a law. What are other's problems, but we also agree that those responsible then declares his complete lack of interest in a category so important, even It is right. Suffice it to say that yet another penalty by the European Court has not shaken at all you SS.LL., both Italy and now we made the call. Italy goes on just because we are a bunch of many "big sheep asleep." To say nothing of those great Lords Weather unions CGIL, CISL and UIL!! To speak of these "gentlemen" would take a life but we will try to simplify to the maximum. Who said and what the law says that collective bargaining can only take part in the Masters National Weather CGIL, CISL and UIL and we employed completely cut off? Maybe because we might break the balance created in the course of time? I prefer Jesus to Allah mangio spaghetti e non riso, io chiamo Italia, Patria e non brucio la bandiera, la mortadella mi ha da sempre disgustato e soprattutto nella mia lingua non c’è mai stata una “K” e non ci sarà mai. Io sono italiano, però cerco di dirlo a bassa voce. Abbiamo anche ricevuto, come O.S., una lettera a firma dell’On. Valentini datata 16.1.2009 che comunicava che il Signor Presidente del Consiglio a causa dei troppi impegni non avrebbe potuto avere incontri non istituzionali. Da oggi fino al 2013, che dice Signor Presidente, troverà un po’ di tempo anche per noi? Ci auguriamo di sì. Tengo a precisare che quanto dichiarato è tutto documentabile non con le chiacchiere ma con i fatti. Questa è una categoria disarray and invisible to many and all. In this environment, everyone acts like he wants and moves undisturbed view of the lack of controls. I think it is a duty on the part of you SS.LL. reflect on the work of some prefects and Gentlemen Quaestors and Provincial Labour Departments in all cities of Italy. In our humble opinion, if we do not put your hands, we are bound to sink, and then what? The moment does not change anything for our class, SS.LL. Expect sensational action (any action is required by law) to this OS, if it were necessary to our invitation or request for documents relevant to our statements, we are at your disposal. We end up in one word! HELP! LA EDITORIAL SNGG

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

How To Tell Which Meucci Pool Cue U Have

OBAMA: from words to deeds

Barak Obama just took office at the White House is already implementing the promises made during the election campaign.

The new U.S. president will seek to develop as soon as an economy based on clean energy and alternative sources like wind, sun and biocombustili; to do so will create an electricity transmission network linking the two coast and try to make 75% of federal buildings more efficient from an energy standpoint.

will be prompted to ' EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) to reconsider his opposition to the request by California to impose strict limits on pollution of cars, so that other states can impose stricter restrictions on vehicles.

The new wind blowing on the environmental policy of the United States is reinforced by the decision of the House to approve, as part of the package of economic incentives, tax rebates for renewable sources to 20 billion dollars.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Doujinshi On Ash And Dawn

China to conquer the market for electric cars

China arrives in Detroit with models of electric cars at low cost can guarantee autonomy of 400 kilometers on a charge cycle and the ability to make a charge of 50% in just 10 minutes. These features
ward off the fear of motorists to make long journeys with electric cars and give more confidence and a hand to the market for electric cars.
The automaker is interested in this BYD, which stands for BUILD YOUR DREAMS.
This company, founded as a manufacturer of batteries for electronic applications and highly respected company, wants to put his hand into the lucrative car market with a strong predisposition to the use of renewable and non-polluting.

Friday, January 16, 2009

How Do You Make A Sinker Mold

Deduction 55% energy saving. Adopted in the House

E 'to the House of Representatives approved the law of conversion of DL 185/2008 and in particular the change to' art.29 which challenged the deduction of 55% for the rehabilitation of energy buildings.

It Back quindi alla situazione vigente prima della presentazione del DL anticrisi.

Nello specifico le modifiche apportate sono:

- si ritorna all’automaticità della detrazione, senza tetti di spesa;

- l’“istanza” (con silenzio-rifiuto) all’Agenzia delle Entrate, che il DL aveva imposto anche per le spese del 2008, è stata trasformata in una “comunicazione”, ma solo per le spese del 2009 e 2010;
- le spese del 2009 e 2010 potranno essere detratte in cinque anni, mentre per quelle del 2008 resta la scelta da tre a dieci anni.

Il provvedimento passa ora all’esame del Senato che inizierà la discussione il 26 gennaio per approvare definitivamente la legge entro il 28 gennaio, data di scadenza del Decreto-legge.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Japan Fondling Groaping Vid

Dawn of climate chaos

Anche le più pessimistiche previsioni circa i cambiamenti climatici stanno crollando di fronte agli ultimi dati pubblicati dal WorldWatch Institute .
Mentre le lobbies del petrolio incalzano contro le analisi dell' IPCC , l'ente dell'Onu composto da scienziati con il compito di sorvegliare ed analizzare i cambiamenti climatici in corso, incolpandole di usare toni troppo allarmanti, i dati che trapelano dal WorldWatch Institute sono ben peggiori delle previsioni.

Il rischio di raggiungere e superare i tipping points, ie points limit beyond which one reaches a point of no return in terms of climate, it is always higher.

care already know them: cut CO2 emissions by converting a petroleum-based economy in an environmentally sound and sustainable global economy.
The remedy is, with considerable economic and social policy effort, within our reach, although there are some doubts as to whether certain objectives that would help stop climate change are already out of reach.

strongly support renewed vigor and the battle for a friendly society and an economy that takes into account primarily the people and the environment.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Charlie Harper Shirts

olive oil vegetation waters: a formidable resource to be exploited in an environmentally friendly agricultural

Saturday, January 10 will be held at the Cooperative Frantoio Santa Barbara in Scandriglia (Ri) the conference on "The olive oil vegetation waters."

The olive production in many parts of our territory is an important productive sector must be strengthened and enhanced.
The revival of this sector could be due to the promotion of products such as vegetable water, the residue and prunings.
The natural antioxidants present in these "agricultural biomass" ( polyphenols) are a valuable asset to be exploited as required in the fields of cosmetic and food industries.
Enhancement of polyphenols potrà avvenire attraverso l'impianto pilota che sarà realizzato dalla Leadergy presso il frantoio di Scandriglia.

Il convegno ha lo scopo di divulgare le nuove opportunità di mercato a seguito delle recenti ricerche scientifiche sviluppate dall'ENEA, l'Ente per le Nuove tecnologie per l'Energia e l'Ambiente.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

How To Put A Hinged Nose In


Dal 22 al 25 gennaio 2009 si terrà, presso il quartiere fieristico di Bolzano, la quarta edizione di KLIMAHOUSE la fiera internazionale per l'efficienza energetica e la sostenibilità in edilizia.

"Casa clima" è un progetto sviluppato in Alto Adige per costruire edifici a basso consumo energetico e ad elevato utilizzo di energie rinnovabili.
I parametri che vengono soddisfatti da tale progetto permettono di avere edifici in classe B, che corrisponde ad un consumo massimo di 50 kWh/mq/anno, e che utilizzano, per soddisfare almeno il 25% del fabbisogno termico, esclusivamente energia solare.

Per avere tutte le informazioni sull'evento basta andare sul sito
Piazza Fiera 1 - 39100 Bolzano - Tel. +39 0471 516012Fax. +39 0471 516121

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Techdeck Online Skating


Sul sito dell'Agenzia delle Entrate dal 30/12/2008 avrebbe dovuto essere disponibile il fac-simile del modello per poter ottenere la detrazione del 55% per i lavori eseguiti nel 2008 per il risparmio energetico degli edifici (infissi, solare termico, caldaia a condensazione, ecc...).

Secondo il DL 185/08,che il Parlamento deve convertire in legge entro il 28 gennaio 2009, il modello contenente tutti i dati necessari alla verifica dello stanziamento complessivo, inclusa l’indicazione del numero di rate annuali in cui il contribuente sceglie di ripartire la detrazione, deve essere pubblicato entro 30 giorni dalla data di entrata in vigore del DL, cioè il 29 novembre 2008.

I lavori alla Camera per la discussione degli emandamenti che dovrebbero modificare l'art. 29 del DL dovrebbero riprendere domani, nella speranza di fare un po' di chiarezza sulla vicenda.

Monday, January 5, 2009

On Poptropica How Do You Not Leave The Chicken

The pyramid of corruption

Il sindaco di Pescara D'Alfonso è tornato il libertà prima di Natale e aveva tempo fino ad oggi per ritirare le dimissioni. E oggi l'ha fatto, ma ha fatto di più, si è fatto fare cioè un certificato medico (pare di 6 mesi) grazie al quale si attesta che non può esercitare le sue funzioni per motivi di salute, a sostituirlo ci sarà dunque il vicesindaco.

Non lo trovate un atto di violenza verso i cittadini pescaresi ? Ma poi mi chiedo ci preoccupiamo di D'Alfonso?
Ma preoccupiamoci del medico which issued the certificate. Italy's problem is not in fact, political corruption and the upper floors, but it is not of the caste in the corruption of an entire pyramid that starts from the bottom.
Indeed, it is our own mindset that leads to these disasters. If you kill someone there is always some doctor that you will have the seeds of mental illness, if you steal a doctor who will certify that you are stressed.

Instead of investigating the politicians going to investigate the dark pyramid of corruption, one that should not be in the newspapers, which has no face but that is the dark evil of our beautiful country.