Friday, January 9, 2009

Charlie Harper Shirts

olive oil vegetation waters: a formidable resource to be exploited in an environmentally friendly agricultural

Saturday, January 10 will be held at the Cooperative Frantoio Santa Barbara in Scandriglia (Ri) the conference on "The olive oil vegetation waters."

The olive production in many parts of our territory is an important productive sector must be strengthened and enhanced.
The revival of this sector could be due to the promotion of products such as vegetable water, the residue and prunings.
The natural antioxidants present in these "agricultural biomass" ( polyphenols) are a valuable asset to be exploited as required in the fields of cosmetic and food industries.
Enhancement of polyphenols potrà avvenire attraverso l'impianto pilota che sarà realizzato dalla Leadergy presso il frantoio di Scandriglia.

Il convegno ha lo scopo di divulgare le nuove opportunità di mercato a seguito delle recenti ricerche scientifiche sviluppate dall'ENEA, l'Ente per le Nuove tecnologie per l'Energia e l'Ambiente.


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