Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What To Write In A 21st Birthday Card

GM horned chernobyl ant

Ho sempre avuto la passione per i terrestrial, che considero un tipo di mosca che non deve mai mancare nella fly-box di qualunque PAM che si rispetti. Per chi mi conosce saprà sicuramente del mio amore verso i micro-torrenti e riali di montagna ed è propio in questi ambienti che ho trovato la massima espressione per i terrestrial. Infatti a mio avvisto non esiste un tipo di mosca capace di avere una poliedricità tale come un terrestrial ben costruito. Questa espressione massima, l' ho trovata in una mia costruzione nata quasi per caso, circa un' anno fà. La mosca in questione è una variante della celeberrima chernobyl ant che a differenza del dressing originale, ha il corpo sagomato a foglia di salice con biot d' oca a formare le antenne/corna. i colori che hanno dato maggiori risultati sono stati il verde scuro e l' arancione, ma anche il nero, chart, marrone e addirittura il rosso fluo.

AMO: knapek n.10
SOTTOCORPO: dubbing di opossum olive
CARAPACE: foam olive sagomato
ZAMPE: sili-leg col tarantula
ANTENNE/CORNA: biot d' oca olive

Come già mentioned earlier, this dressing comes to fish in the stream, where swirling waters and never too quiet games are becoming more complicated. So I needed an 'artificial buoyancy had first of all, and not least the factor imitatività visibility even in cases of turbulent water. The buoyancy of the foam is certainly known to everyone, but also the silicon leg that remain suspended in the film of the 'water factor than create a floating' effect of movement due to the move of 'water.

Variant orange

's best use of this fly is in the classic fishing hole, making him do the skating''''that in some cases turns out to be really deadly.

I do not feel free to recommend a perfect combo for this type of fishing, but can I just say what I use.
This is my combo:
Barrel: Nortonfly 'special nimbus' 9'
Coda: Greys Platinum Series # 3
The reel is large enough to say that harbor large to support the coils.

Marco Gentili

How To Buy A North Face Jacket With No Logo

until December 2 ... surprise!

Guarda qui: http://www.eyeko.com/eyeko-surprise-gift-p-100.html
50% di sconto su questo "paccone regalo" con un mix a sorpresa di prodotti Eyeko per un valore di 24€... ma tu li paghi 12€.
Usa il codice E12069 nella riga "ambassador code" al checkout per avere un altro regalo gratis ^^
Hai 24 ore di tempo!


You are just in time for Eyeko’s pop-up sale: The Big Surprise Gift Set! SAVE 50% by dipping into our lucky bag of beauty treats. Every Big Surprise Gift Set is filled with a secret mix of full-size products from the current line up worth Ł20/€24/$30 in total. This set includes an all new mix of products!
But hurry, this offer is only available for the next 48hrs.
Must end Midnight (UK time) December 2nd, 2010.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Very Very Thick Discharge


Taking account of a 'statement that one of the must of Pam centrachide Italian, Paolo Pacchiarini, fly fishing in the bass sometimes ef those who are the canons of this technique. First of all the launch, but we must bear in mind that there are situations cui i bass propio non ne vogliono sapere di bollare sulle imitazioni T.W. In questo caso non dobbiamo dimenticarci che noi Flyfishers, abbiamo a dispozione un range molto ampio di mosche e non le solite canoniche di cui si fa uso solitamente, mi riferisco a popper, slider o bugs in cervo. Basterà semplicemente spremersi le meningi per ''partorire'' nuove mosche, magari insolite, ma che ci daranno sicuramente ottimi risultati in certe situazioni. Per fare un sempio vorrei citare una mia ultima creazione per il bass, la mia G.M. cover flies. Questa mosca nasce vedendo un sito americano che trattava queste cosìdette Jig Flies. La cosa mi incuriosì particolarmente e provai immediatamente a farne qualcuna. La mosca è composta da a C'ultiva Round Head, accessory spinning lure with silicone, but has the characteristics for this dressing that I wanted to revisit a bit. The tail consists of a twisted dubbing END FLASH col. RUSTY divided by a tuft of fibers (l 'ep are fine), the body is composed instead of a rabbit with Zonker. Finally, barred orange head is made of the same material of the tail. unlike the original dressing I wanted to add SILI LEG col. TARANTULA To add additional movement. The 'next day, I took rod and reel and began to give it a try this fly in a pool of my Apennines. The result was truly amazing, the bass was as addicted to this fly, that vehemently attacked. The only drawback of this fly is really excessive weight, which forces us to use exclusively with the launch of a pendulum, for use in the most difficult hole cover (hence the name). The combo
used was a rod 9 ', 8 # WT FLOATING
here's the most beautiful fish of the session

Hello everyone

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cover flies A new beginning

Hello, my name is Mark, I'm 21 years old and from Rimini and as I think many who read this blog with the disease of PAM. I hope there will soon follow in many

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for Today

Sconto del 25% su un acquisto minimo di 18€, inserisci "BONUS25" al checkout nella riga "sconti" e usa il codice ambassador E12069 per un regalo in più!

Questa settimana inoltre potete avere gratis lo smalto CHICHI inserendolo nel box commenti ^^


25% off today only at www.eyeko.com ! enter BONUS25 in discount box at checkout min spend £15/€18/$20 (29/11/10) YAY!!! ♥ x

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Komfort Rv Trailers Floor Plans

new discount

Allora ragazzuole,
a partire da oggi avete 48h per correre a comprare i  Eyeko gift sets for yourself or for Christmas gifts ... as with the code we GIFT10 up to 40% off the total.
There is no minimum spending requirement can also choose between free shipping, or faster than a 5 €.
Valid only on gift sets and not on individual products, and we must add the discount code (not even amdassador code) ... until Thursday night! Enjoy \u0026lt;3

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Toys Pepe The King Prawn

is the gift that I received the last order ^ ^

addition, the Italian site is now active, can be found on www.eyeko.com

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Honeymoon Basket Ideas

Eyeko in Italian!

Hello ^ ^ So, finally www.eyeko.com will also launch the site in Italian, and to celebrate today (until midnight London time, ending November 18, 2010, we all'1am of 19/11), are offering a Liptastik Glossy Lip Pen with every order!
Just enter "ITALY" in comments box at checkout and the code ambassador: E12069 line "ambassadors code".
The nice thing is that there is a limit order, ie you can buy just a glamorous smaltuccio at 4 € and you will receive the gift!

The colors available are 3 and will be sent to a random sample below ... But you can always try asking your favorite

Wednesday, November 17, 2010