Mentre le lobbies del petrolio incalzano contro le analisi dell' IPCC , l'ente dell'Onu composto da scienziati con il compito di sorvegliare ed analizzare i cambiamenti climatici in corso, incolpandole di usare toni troppo allarmanti, i dati che trapelano dal WorldWatch Institute sono ben peggiori delle previsioni.
Il rischio di raggiungere e superare i tipping points, ie points limit beyond which one reaches a point of no return in terms of climate, it is always higher.
care already know them: cut CO2 emissions by converting a petroleum-based economy in an environmentally sound and sustainable global economy.
The remedy is, with considerable economic and social policy effort, within our reach, although there are some doubts as to whether certain objectives that would help stop climate change are already out of reach.
strongly support renewed vigor and the battle for a friendly society and an economy that takes into account primarily the people and the environment.
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