(AGI) - Roma, 7 nov. - Per abbreviare i tempi di concessione dell'indennita' ordinaria di disoccupazione, l'INPS ha predisposto un modello di dichiarazione sostitutiva , da presentare insieme alla domanda di indennita', nel quale il lavoratore interessato puo' autocertificare i dati relativi all'ultimo rapporto di lavoro. Queste informazioni, indispensabili per la liquidazione dell'indennita', erano fino ad oggi comunicate INPS solely by the employer, through a model (Ds.22), with an extension of time to clear. The application form allows you to INPS instead of having all the information required for immediate settlement of the benefit. As an alternative to self, and 'can continue to make the mod yet. Ds.22. Basically, from now on the employee to obtain the compensation 'regular unemployment, must' register as unemployed at the Job Centre and submitted a claim 'INPS within 68 days after termination of employment relationship. The application must be delivered directly to the pension scheme or Centrovita for use by residence or by the competent Bodies of patronage or mailed to you. With the application must be submitted a certificate of registration as unemployed, the demand for income tax deductions and the new model of self-certification or mod. SD 22 completed by the employer. The benefit 'of unemployment from 8 days from dismissal if the application is filed within the first 7 days from 5Â day after submitting the application in other cases. The benefit 'to be paid in the period from 1st April 2005 until 31 December 2006 and' calculated as follows: - the workers with age 'of less than 50 years it is 50% of salary for the first six months and 30% for the seventh month - for employees with 50 years or more 'of age', it is 50% of earnings for the first 6 months, 40% for the three months and 30% for the tenth month. The benefit 'of unemployment is up to redundant workers who may rely on at least two years of unemployment insurance and at least 52 weekly contributions in the two years preceding the date of termination of employment. Is not recognized in respect of those who resigned voluntarily, with the exception of workers on maternity '. The benefit 'is also granted to those who have' discharged for just cause (eg., Non-payment of wages, sexual harassment, job changes, bullying, etc.).. (AGI)
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