Nortonfly''special nimbus
This rod is the rod that I use mainly in lakes, during the winter fishing. Its highest expression is given by the fishing spider wet fly or general. The barrel is composed of four (4) pieces, 9 '4 / 6 #. Its action medium / heavy making it even exciting for fishing on the river, with big terrestrial imitations, to be launched with the launch of a typical leaf
As mentioned earlier, such action rod has a medium / heavy, This characteristic allows us to have under control even the most combative fish, such as large rainbow and brown trout.
only flaw that could have this rod is in 'tip using very thin in quanto l' azione di punta potrebbe farli rompere sulla ferrata. Ma come già detto, a mio avviso, il suo utilizzo migliore lo dà la pesca in laghetto, dove si può anche usare diametri non troppo sottili.
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