Baldi:" MpR libero, lontano dalla corruzione e nemico della lega!"
Who asks me advice on the events of ATAC and AMA seems to be all inclusive and the news agency on 8 January (a year ago) that we republished on the site and attendees and both the article today on "Roma." With regard to national events say that Parliament is offering a disgraceful spectacle of pushovers and that those Members who sell to both sides deserve to be kicked in the pants. In this regard, I reiterate once again that the Roma Movement does not flow and does not cooperate with any political party! That the Northern League remains our enemy and therefore, not only for this reason, remain inconsistent and far away all the parties directly and indirectly to the Northern League. We have nothing to do with the theft of state, with the arrogance of power, with the enemies of Rome and colorful characters as ADC pioneering so shameful and ridiculous to be represented from people like Debora Caprioglio. Dwarfs and dancers are those who today are destroying the country. Our Movement is free and made up of people who care about the fate of Rome and not sell them for a job there for some reimbursement, but have to believe in dreams and plans and carry on with faith and passion .
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