Lo striscione cita le testuali parole:
(“Il nostro clima – La vostra scelta!”)
Un messaggio chiaro, deciso.
Greenpeace chiede ai capi di governo di ratificare le decisioni in merito alle riduzioni delle emissioni di CO2 in vista della conferenza di Copenhagen sui cambiamenti climatici che si terrà tra poco più di cento giorni da oggi.
The request is addressed to the countries most responsible for climate change - including Italy - which should set an example for emerging countries.
The continuing demonstrations by Greenpeace urge us to immediate action necessary.
Given the weak response of the Italian government on climate change, not apettiamoci that the changes come from. We can not afford to wait any longer.
We can already do much in our daily lives, eliminating waste, buying products being careful environmental impact, not to buy unnecessary products and especially harmful to the environment.
Every gesture we make in this sense is a step toward our good.
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