Law antiblog: I remain astounded
Once again the specter of the horrendous anti-blog that was proposed by Congressman Levi during the Prodi government, which certainly does not have an apt.
How to learn from the site Computer Point, was prepared a new decree-law against freedom of speech of bloggers.
We then all recorded in the Registry of Operators of Communication, the ROC if we "talk". In addition it seems that the decree will "tax" those bloggers who probably derived some money through contextual advertising.
Is it not occurred to these gentlemen that those pennies help bloggers in their initiatives and enable them to pay the expenses for the work they do.
But do not talk about taxes. Today
Zambardino on his blog notes that "it expressly excludes that the registration requirement might affect the individual citizen-blogger " which still does not worry all those like me who believe that the freedom of expression should not be touched.
What will happen then to those who write their thoughts in therapy, they write their jokes, collecting words of their favorite character? and groups on social networks?
Speriamo come si dice sul sito di Repubblica che il decreto venga rivisto prima di diventare legge, quello che è certo è che i bloggers si stanno scatenando. Non è che corriamo il rischio di una nuova manifestazione in piazza pure dei blogger ?
Risolviamo prima i problemi del paese, io rimango allibito.
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