November Inflation to 2.7%
So inflation also fell. Something we consumers l'avevamo notata a dir la verità, ad esempio ieri ho fatto il pieno di gasolio per l'auto e ho trovato un prezzo di 1.188 Euro / Lt, considerando che tempo fa con 20 Euro non arrivavo a 13 litri qualcosa è cambiato. Questo calo potrebber voler dire "calo dei consumi", una cosa non proprio positiva per noi.
Ma come si calcola realmente l'inflazione ? L'inflazione in genere viene calcolata dall'Istat, il nostro istituto che rileva le statistiche su un insieme o paniere di oltre 1000 beni e servizi. Ogni pacchetto di servizi o beni ha un proprio peso specifico nel calcolo degli indici. Questi pacchetti di solito comprendono i generi alimentari e le bevande, i tabacchi, prodotti per abbigliamento e calzature, spese per casa, consumi di acqua,luce,gas, furniture, medical and health, and spending on entertainment, culture, food. In addition to financial services as loans and mortgages.
But we are sure that the prices of the restaurants or the costs to purchase tickets for film and theater should fall in this calculation? I do not think a father who has to maintain a family with children can afford to go to the movies or theater ...
Friday, November 28, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sample Openingprayer Of Anniversary
It seemed broadly positive on the day of the meeting held on July 30 by the national secretary of the National Union guards, Marco Fusco.Ricevuto in Rome the heads of the Ministry of ' Interior. The manager took the opportunity to give them some important questions related to the occupation of the guards giurate.Due, in particular, were the delicate issues faced by Fusco in the meeting: the reform of private security and transportation values. Per entrambe le tematiche le risposte fornite dagli interlocutori del dicastero sono state positive, un passo in avanti nella battaglia che lo stesso segretario ha iniziato partendo dalla provincia di Rimini allargando in seguito notevolmente il proprio raggio d’azione.Per quanto riguarda le auspicate riforme il segretario ha spiegato come “non è che si possa perdere tanto tempo: è una cosa da fare e che è ha solo bisogno della tempistica necessaria”. Più articolato invece il discorso legato al servizio di trasporti valori. “Non è possibile che un furgone blindato possa restare in coda in autostrada per ore con 4 milioni in pancia vanno studiati percorsi alternativi come per esempio quello della corsi d’emergenza”. Vedremo quando e in che misura tali richieste si tramuteranno in realtà.
Chetna Of Mysore Mallige Fame
Against the crisis we pay fees in advance
The period is all black, I mean financial period. The crisis is no longer at the gates but we are in until the end. Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi with the Economy Minister Tremonti has put in 80 billion euros the amount made available by the government to tackle the crisis. Meanwhile
measures that were promised have not been kept, such as payments of VAT to the invoice paid. Today the crisis is huge liquidity (late payments, banks are no longer easy credit) allows the State to apply for VAT in advance and beyond.
Our small and medium-sized enterprises are also found in fact to pay in advance for IRES and IRAP 2008. In practice, apply for an advance on the fees that our already huge companies pay on profits, but profits have not yet done. Basically if you have a small business company, in December you'll pay taxes on profits that have not yet done, and if you do not know, a scandal!
Only in Italy there are certain laws. Want to see that those 80 billion euros will always pay us?
What do they give us the money we pay ourselves?
The period is all black, I mean financial period. The crisis is no longer at the gates but we are in until the end. Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi with the Economy Minister Tremonti has put in 80 billion euros the amount made available by the government to tackle the crisis. Meanwhile
measures that were promised have not been kept, such as payments of VAT to the invoice paid. Today the crisis is huge liquidity (late payments, banks are no longer easy credit) allows the State to apply for VAT in advance and beyond.
Our small and medium-sized enterprises are also found in fact to pay in advance for IRES and IRAP 2008. In practice, apply for an advance on the fees that our already huge companies pay on profits, but profits have not yet done. Basically if you have a small business company, in December you'll pay taxes on profits that have not yet done, and if you do not know, a scandal!
Only in Italy there are certain laws. Want to see that those 80 billion euros will always pay us?
What do they give us the money we pay ourselves?
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Wedding Bulletin Wording Memorial
Berlusconi government that took office this year in power has promised 80 billion or more was estimated at 80 billion euros the amount required to meet the crisis, at least in Italy.
But above all I wonder where these figures when we pull out our national debt continues to rise. Exhibit all of the loans even to eat maybe?
The absurd thing that I still do not understand is why in a moment of grave crisis like this, no one decides for a good time to cut spending. For
Omnibus the other day have listed all the costs on which one could intervene, well, I think they are really so many.
look forward with confidence.
Berlusconi government that took office this year in power has promised 80 billion or more was estimated at 80 billion euros the amount required to meet the crisis, at least in Italy.
But above all I wonder where these figures when we pull out our national debt continues to rise. Exhibit all of the loans even to eat maybe?
The absurd thing that I still do not understand is why in a moment of grave crisis like this, no one decides for a good time to cut spending. For
Omnibus the other day have listed all the costs on which one could intervene, well, I think they are really so many.
look forward with confidence.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
What Are Best Experts In Metastock Are

MISANO ADRIATICO, 13/11/2008 ( - comunicati stampa ) A un anno dalla scomparsa del tifoso laziale Gabriele Sandri, morto a causa di un colpo esploso dall'arma di un agente della Polizia Stradale, il Sindacato Nazionale Guardie Giurate, come aveva già fatto nell'immediatezza, ritorna a marcare l'episodio. Infatti "Non si capisce - commenta il Segretario nazionale Marco Fusco - come il poliziotto Spaccarotella sia ancora libero e a lavoro come niente fosse accaduto, visto l'episodio che ha causato la morte di Sandri. Ciò significa che la legge italiana non è uguale per tutti ma solo per pochi. Cioè ammazzare una persona, evidentemente, è del tutto normale visto che non è stata applicata alcuna pena detentiva, mentre per la presunzione di aver commesso un reato si può essere sospesi dal lavoro e dalla retribuzione in attesa delle lentezze burocratiche della magistratura italiana. Questa è l'Italia, due pesi e due misure diverse". E poi ironizza "E' chiaro, si tratta di un uomo che serve lo Stato Italiano, forse occorre un occhio di riguardo!! Mentre le guardie giurate, se solo si permettono di alzare un po' più la voce, potrebbero essere indagate per minacce e a loro volta sospese dal servizio in attesa di giudizio perché non si godrebbe così, the famous good conduct. While the policeman who kills (as he says Spaccarotella by mistake) is a saint and is in good conduct. So much for respect for the Constitution and Articles Italy. And this is Italy. That's disgusting. "Already at that time, as mentioned, the national secretary of SNGG declared that the Quaestor of Arezzo, at a press conference held in Arezzo, was immediately removed for its false statements like" The policeman fired into the air. "And He then concludes "If this is the Italian justice, ladies and gentlemen, we are finished."
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Meanings For Green Shag Bands
Law antiblog: I remain astounded
Once again the specter of the horrendous anti-blog that was proposed by Congressman Levi during the Prodi government, which certainly does not have an apt.
How to learn from the site Computer Point, was prepared a new decree-law against freedom of speech of bloggers.
We then all recorded in the Registry of Operators of Communication, the ROC if we "talk". In addition it seems that the decree will "tax" those bloggers who probably derived some money through contextual advertising.
Is it not occurred to these gentlemen that those pennies help bloggers in their initiatives and enable them to pay the expenses for the work they do.
But do not talk about taxes. Today
Zambardino on his blog notes that "it expressly excludes that the registration requirement might affect the individual citizen-blogger " which still does not worry all those like me who believe that the freedom of expression should not be touched.
What will happen then to those who write their thoughts in therapy, they write their jokes, collecting words of their favorite character? and groups on social networks?
Speriamo come si dice sul sito di Repubblica che il decreto venga rivisto prima di diventare legge, quello che è certo è che i bloggers si stanno scatenando. Non è che corriamo il rischio di una nuova manifestazione in piazza pure dei blogger ?
Risolviamo prima i problemi del paese, io rimango allibito.
Once again the specter of the horrendous anti-blog that was proposed by Congressman Levi during the Prodi government, which certainly does not have an apt.
How to learn from the site Computer Point, was prepared a new decree-law against freedom of speech of bloggers.
We then all recorded in the Registry of Operators of Communication, the ROC if we "talk". In addition it seems that the decree will "tax" those bloggers who probably derived some money through contextual advertising.
Is it not occurred to these gentlemen that those pennies help bloggers in their initiatives and enable them to pay the expenses for the work they do.
But do not talk about taxes. Today
Zambardino on his blog notes that "it expressly excludes that the registration requirement might affect the individual citizen-blogger " which still does not worry all those like me who believe that the freedom of expression should not be touched.
What will happen then to those who write their thoughts in therapy, they write their jokes, collecting words of their favorite character? and groups on social networks?
Speriamo come si dice sul sito di Repubblica che il decreto venga rivisto prima di diventare legge, quello che è certo è che i bloggers si stanno scatenando. Non è che corriamo il rischio di una nuova manifestazione in piazza pure dei blogger ?
Risolviamo prima i problemi del paese, io rimango allibito.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
How To Make Arm Warmers Out Of Stockings
SNGG / FUSCO "you can not make 'NOTHING'

The intervention of the national SNGG
Misano Adriatico, 09/11/2008 ( - comunicati stampa) "Nel settore della Vigilanza Privata ormai non si capisce più nulla". Si apre così il comunicato a firma del Segretario Nazionale del Sindacato Nazionale Guardie Giurate Marco Fusco. "La vigilanza privata sta diventando, anzi lo è già diventata, una catastrofe nazionale; siamo sempre alle solite. Assalti portavalori, guardie giurate che effettuano turni in commentabili, guardie giurate accoltellate, ferite, massacrate in assalti portavalori. Ma che vita e questa? E la sicurezza così tanto urlata dov’è?". E poi grida: "Si combatte con tutto e con tutti, ma i risultati sono sempre gli stessi pochi quasi nulla. E' chiaro che non pretendiamo che con la bacchetta magica di risolvano problems, but at least there is a minimum interest on the part of authorities, the Italian state, for this category or fly that will produce about 300 billion € per year as an investigation by the Corriere della Sera. But then we exist or not? We see well or you need an eye examination?. "Finally, he concludes," Now we also wanted the legalization of the patrol, so we are and will always be nothing. But what the hell life is what made the guards exposed to all conceivable risks, without a shred of recognition. Who it suits this situation? We can talk, chat, discuss and take action, but if there is a serious intervention (if there still is) the Italian State, in this area will not change anything and if we add to this the work of trade union CGIL, CISL and UIL, then we are just ruined by continuing to live, how we live now, in prehistoric times. "This concludes the intervention of the National Secretary Mark Fusco of the National Union of security guards in no uncertain terms, as is customary, did not spare anyone.
Misano Adriatico, 09/11/2008 ( - comunicati stampa) "Nel settore della Vigilanza Privata ormai non si capisce più nulla". Si apre così il comunicato a firma del Segretario Nazionale del Sindacato Nazionale Guardie Giurate Marco Fusco. "La vigilanza privata sta diventando, anzi lo è già diventata, una catastrofe nazionale; siamo sempre alle solite. Assalti portavalori, guardie giurate che effettuano turni in commentabili, guardie giurate accoltellate, ferite, massacrate in assalti portavalori. Ma che vita e questa? E la sicurezza così tanto urlata dov’è?". E poi grida: "Si combatte con tutto e con tutti, ma i risultati sono sempre gli stessi pochi quasi nulla. E' chiaro che non pretendiamo che con la bacchetta magica di risolvano problems, but at least there is a minimum interest on the part of authorities, the Italian state, for this category or fly that will produce about 300 billion € per year as an investigation by the Corriere della Sera. But then we exist or not? We see well or you need an eye examination?. "Finally, he concludes," Now we also wanted the legalization of the patrol, so we are and will always be nothing. But what the hell life is what made the guards exposed to all conceivable risks, without a shred of recognition. Who it suits this situation? We can talk, chat, discuss and take action, but if there is a serious intervention (if there still is) the Italian State, in this area will not change anything and if we add to this the work of trade union CGIL, CISL and UIL, then we are just ruined by continuing to live, how we live now, in prehistoric times. "This concludes the intervention of the National Secretary Mark Fusco of the National Union of security guards in no uncertain terms, as is customary, did not spare anyone.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Playing Aoe 2 Without Cd
What happens to Alitalia?
Onestamente fatico a comprendere cosa succede alla nostra ormai ex compagnia di bandiera. A sorpresa infatti i piloti nei giorni scorsi hanno annunciato una serie di scioperi a catena.
Ancora prima del decollo si scioperà ? Sarà che come dice Marco Travaglio al compagnia è stata svenduta ad amici e compari ?
Io questo non lo so, forse nessuno ancora è in grado di capirlo . Di There are some things unclear. Why do you
first proclamations on the agreements reached and when it must ratify the whole thing takes a step back?
riders really want that privilege in these times of crisis we can not afford or have been proposed unacceptable conditions?
Colaninno is not the same as Telecom has reduced to the society which has become? It can still be regarded as a top manager?
look forward to responses and we hope that everyone puts his little arms.
Onestamente fatico a comprendere cosa succede alla nostra ormai ex compagnia di bandiera. A sorpresa infatti i piloti nei giorni scorsi hanno annunciato una serie di scioperi a catena.
Ancora prima del decollo si scioperà ? Sarà che come dice Marco Travaglio al compagnia è stata svenduta ad amici e compari ?
Io questo non lo so, forse nessuno ancora è in grado di capirlo . Di There are some things unclear. Why do you
first proclamations on the agreements reached and when it must ratify the whole thing takes a step back?
riders really want that privilege in these times of crisis we can not afford or have been proposed unacceptable conditions?
Colaninno is not the same as Telecom has reduced to the society which has become? It can still be regarded as a top manager?
look forward to responses and we hope that everyone puts his little arms.
Friday, November 7, 2008
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The Italians? People of imbeciles
We are used to the continuous blunders of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. The last back in time yesterday, when the prime minister said, by the way Obama: "It 's beautiful and even tan, so we will not have problems in dialogue with them" with a smile.
I report the video of "gaffe"
so if we want to call. I believe instead that Berlusconi is simply funny and shows that despite these "gaffes" his support among Italians remains unchanged even at the limit increases. So too will wag
but Italians like.
We are used to the continuous blunders of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. The last back in time yesterday, when the prime minister said, by the way Obama: "It 's beautiful and even tan, so we will not have problems in dialogue with them" with a smile.
I report the video of "gaffe"
so if we want to call. I believe instead that Berlusconi is simply funny and shows that despite these "gaffes" his support among Italians remains unchanged even at the limit increases. So too will wag
but Italians like.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Removing Shoe Polish From Window
Obama, You Can Change
So recited a famous song of the 80 Tears For Fears, You Can Change. And it is this magic word "change" or change that Obama has built his campaign election and his victory tonight.
The U.S. then changed, for the first time elect a black president in the wake of Dreams proclaimed by Martin Luther King. The American dream continues or starts right now then?
Barack Obama is the new president of the United States of America, the Democratic leader sbaraagliato competition thanks to the Republican candidate McCain's triumph in the state of Iowa has always been in the hands of the Republicans.
Obama wins with 52% of the vote against 46% for McCain and America can finally say they have changed the skin.
change is upon us, we hope that the new president is able to take in the full path of change that all around the world aspettano, ha una grande responsabilità.
So recited a famous song of the 80 Tears For Fears, You Can Change. And it is this magic word "change" or change that Obama has built his campaign election and his victory tonight.
The U.S. then changed, for the first time elect a black president in the wake of Dreams proclaimed by Martin Luther King. The American dream continues or starts right now then?
Barack Obama is the new president of the United States of America, the Democratic leader sbaraagliato competition thanks to the Republican candidate McCain's triumph in the state of Iowa has always been in the hands of the Republicans.
Obama wins with 52% of the vote against 46% for McCain and America can finally say they have changed the skin.
change is upon us, we hope that the new president is able to take in the full path of change that all around the world aspettano, ha una grande responsabilità.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Pain Swollow And Stiff Neck
Poor Italy
Dall'Istat apprendiamo oggi come sia drasticamente peggiorata la situazione di tantissime famiglie italiane. I nuovi poveri sono circa 7 milioni e mezzo. Si, i nuovi poveri, perchè con 1000 e poco più euro al mese per vivere non si può che essere poveri.
Non ci sorprendiamo quindi che 2 milioni di famiglie circa facciano ricorso al credito consumo, ai prestiti , indebitandosi per poter vivere dignitosamente. Ad essere più in difficoltà sono ovviamente le famiglie con figli a carico e tantissime di queste sono nello sciagurato Mezzogiorno.
Eppure malgrado la situazione sia la stessa da anni nessuno fa nulla per contrastare questo fenomeno facendo policy "for families."
Poor Italy.
Dall'Istat apprendiamo oggi come sia drasticamente peggiorata la situazione di tantissime famiglie italiane. I nuovi poveri sono circa 7 milioni e mezzo. Si, i nuovi poveri, perchè con 1000 e poco più euro al mese per vivere non si può che essere poveri.
Non ci sorprendiamo quindi che 2 milioni di famiglie circa facciano ricorso al credito consumo, ai prestiti , indebitandosi per poter vivere dignitosamente. Ad essere più in difficoltà sono ovviamente le famiglie con figli a carico e tantissime di queste sono nello sciagurato Mezzogiorno.
Eppure malgrado la situazione sia la stessa da anni nessuno fa nulla per contrastare questo fenomeno facendo policy "for families."
Poor Italy.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Driver Teclado Rt 2300
Obama ahead
And finally we're here, and watch for the long-awaited elections for the presidency of the United States. The latest polls give the leader of the Democrats favored Obama in all the states key to the win even if McCain is given a comeback.
Can we trust the polls? And Obama?
I'd trust the polls recently, I still remember the election challenge between the current President George W Bush and Al Gore. Al Gore was most favored by all the pollsters in the world, but ultimately came up Republican despite some controversy.
We hope the time is good for Obama, innanzittuto because it is a black president that America and the world expect so much, then why is a great communicator, able to reconcile all the world from right to left.
We expect a lot from him all, Obama represents the American dream, who knows that his victory does not bring any real change in the world.
And finally we're here, and watch for the long-awaited elections for the presidency of the United States. The latest polls give the leader of the Democrats favored Obama in all the states key to the win even if McCain is given a comeback.
Can we trust the polls? And Obama?
I'd trust the polls recently, I still remember the election challenge between the current President George W Bush and Al Gore. Al Gore was most favored by all the pollsters in the world, but ultimately came up Republican despite some controversy.
We hope the time is good for Obama, innanzittuto because it is a black president that America and the world expect so much, then why is a great communicator, able to reconcile all the world from right to left.
We expect a lot from him all, Obama represents the American dream, who knows that his victory does not bring any real change in the world.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Grecian Hairstyles How To
Another night with blood on our streets, yesterday. Halloween is celebrated, the all-American celebration of witches, and the party takes away another 11 innocent lives.
In most cases, those who caused the tragedeie is because of these tragedies, had taken drugs, alcohol or even a cocktail of alcohol and drugs.
With all the killings that occur regularly every Saturday night I still wonder why these killers are not punished.
But then we no longer surprised more than anything, we're the country that condemns a man who savagely killed Reggiani to 29 years.
What should I do to get a life sentence in this country? Someone explain it to me. About
driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs and cause fatal accidents should not have to go in and out.
Another night with blood on our streets, yesterday. Halloween is celebrated, the all-American celebration of witches, and the party takes away another 11 innocent lives.
In most cases, those who caused the tragedeie is because of these tragedies, had taken drugs, alcohol or even a cocktail of alcohol and drugs.
With all the killings that occur regularly every Saturday night I still wonder why these killers are not punished.
But then we no longer surprised more than anything, we're the country that condemns a man who savagely killed Reggiani to 29 years.
What should I do to get a life sentence in this country? Someone explain it to me. About
driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs and cause fatal accidents should not have to go in and out.
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