Si è svolto il 28 maggio, a Napoli, il convegno sul tema “Mobbing: una problematica di incerta definizione”, ha cui hanno partecipato la Direzione Regionale INAIL, il Comune di Napoli, l'Associazione di Volontariato Difesa Utenti e Consumatori (Assoduc) e l'Osservatorio regionale mobbing dell'Asl Na1 per analizzare il mobbing sotto l’aspetto psicologico, giuridico e lavorativo.Nel corso del convegno, il direttore regionale della Campania, Luigi Matarese, ha spiegato che, anche per risolvere il problema del mobbing, la prevenzione è “l’elemento chiave per migliorare la vita lavorativa e l’emarginazione sociale”.Matarese, in proposito, ha ricordato che “la direttiva Cee 89/391 detta disposizioni di base per la salute e sicurezza sul lavoro and gives employers the responsibility to ensure that employees do not suffer damage because of work, as a consequence of bullying. " The position Inail than diseases caused by this phenomenon, therefore, follows this principle and "cover the situation of the event, at work, fault or willful misconduct of the employer and its representatives and to compensate ' ensured only by providing physical and psychological harm to a deductible up to 6% for lesions micropermanenti. "" The activities of the Institute on the theme of mental illness determined by organizational and environmental conditions of employment - he said Matarese - finds its foundation in the legal ruling of the Constitutional Court n.179/1988, and the subsequent D.lgs.38/2000 who introduced and endorsed the so-called 'mixed system' under which occupational diseases are not only those listed in the tables of the law but all the others that work has proven the cause. "The study conducted by the representatives of workers' safety at the University found that in Italy, to date, the number of victims of bullying is not high, but is strong growth, so that in 2007 there was an increase of 10%. For this reason, Carmine Cioffi, employee representative for the safety of the University, explained that "the issue has become central theme of political union "and that, although being the most affected sectors are construction, agriculture and engineering," it is wrong to think that security does not cover the world of culture, namely the school and the university where Indeed, the risk is amplified according to the increased presence of users. "The key to solving the problem, then, is represented by the prevention and confrontation, including the creation of" a kind of regional security card, which must be implemented by Public Companies "," So far - said Alfred Volpe, representing the University of worker safety - these topics are shareholders of each company and were working, we believe that should become the heritage of all: employees, rls, employers, physicians, experts. "
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