All are moving to give their help, by the Italian government to foreign countries, from Coldiretti to Red Cross, we are all called to make a gesture of solidarity towards those who lost everything that was dear to their more familiar and, at worst, even the dearest affections. Many animals have
need our help and that is why the ' ENPA had a campaign fund-raising and basic necessities to help the animals that they, in their own way, are going through this terrible tragedy.
from the site of ENPA
The individuals themselves who wished to send aid can send them directly, via courier, at the collection center. At the headquarters of the Animal Protection were activated phone line 331.6374823 terremotoabruzzo@enpa.org mail address to contact for sending aid and any further information.
National Animal Protection Agency Onlus
Operations Center for Animal Aid Collection
C / o Environment
Avenue of Industry, 30
67039 Sulmona (AQ)
for financial aid:
Postal account No. 95664553
Iban IT 58 D 07 601 01 400 000 095 664 553
payable to: ENPA - National Animal Control
Cause: Earthquake Emergency Animal
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