In the week of large demonstrations and protests in all the Italian universities today is approved much discussed or Tremonti Gelmini decree. Gelmini is because of this decree was really little, the truth is that this is indeed a decree of a law that has been the sole objective to make a scissor kick to public expenditure. It appears that our students cost the state more than the European average, so here is a possible entry identified to be cut.
Tremonti order, Gelmini running as they are very few people control the government and many ministers seem to be more representatives.
One thing not clear to me though, what we guessed all the protests in the universities if the reform does not touch for now, if only marginally, the Italian University?
Ben is also because the law Gelmini in fact leave unchanged the Italian school, what is needed instead is a serious reform of the university.
In particular:
- away some degree of fraud that have few subscribers throughout Italy
- action is needed in research, in fact, it happens that researchers abandon his academic potential because they do not want to work for 1000 €
- just a month with these professors who have dozens of posts (most have more gain) and then send his subordinates to do the lesson
- professor had 6 courses, but not è mai venuto
- le lezioni erano tenute da un dottorando o da ricercatori precari
- il professore esercitava la sua professione sia nel policlinico che nello studio privato
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