Friday, October 31, 2008

Average Mall Kiosk Rent

tragic budget cuts to the school that we would like

From site Vauro resume the wonderful cartoon that depicts the current situation of the Italian school.

It 'just indiscriminately cut funds for research and Italian universities.
could not properly analyze the situation our centers of excellence to direct the money toward things really useful.

Yesterday I was shocked when I saw during the episode of Annozero the service on an Italian researcher who took a good 4 million dollars for a semiconductor research.

Among quite a few new components maybe we will be able to cut electricity consumption from the USA and made by an Italian! I do not understand why we allow our culture fall into the hands of others without doing anything.
thrown away the search is thrown away your future!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Walk Through Form Leasing


In the week of large demonstrations and protests in all the Italian universities today is approved much discussed or Tremonti Gelmini decree. Gelmini is because of this decree was really little, the truth is that this is indeed a decree of a law that has been the sole objective to make a scissor kick to public expenditure. It appears that our students cost the state more than the European average, so here is a possible entry identified to be cut.
Tremonti order, Gelmini running as they are very few people control the government and many ministers seem to be more representatives.
One thing not clear to me though, what we guessed all the protests in the universities if the reform does not touch for now, if only marginally, the Italian University?
Ben is also because the law Gelmini in fact leave unchanged the Italian school, what is needed instead is a serious reform of the university.
In particular:
  • away some degree of fraud that have few subscribers throughout Italy
  • action is needed in research, in fact, it happens that researchers abandon his academic potential because they do not want to work for 1000 €
  • just a month with these professors who have dozens of posts (most have more gain) and then send his subordinates to do the lesson
One year I found myself in a course where the faculty of medicine: the
  • professor had 6 courses, but not è mai venuto
  • le lezioni erano tenute da un dottorando o da ricercatori precari
  • il professore esercitava la sua professione sia nel policlinico che nello studio privato
Basta con l'egemonia di questi professori senatori intoccabili, occorre partire dalle riforme dei contenuti e investire sulla cultura all'insegnamento.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Kates Pleyground 2010

I'm with Obama

Dopo aver dichiarato qualche tempo fa che l'Italia sarebbe uscita dalla zona Euro entro il 2010 il Financial Times ha dichiarato in questi giorni che sosterrà la candidatura di Barack Obama nella corsa alla presidenza degli Stati Uniti.
Io sto con Obama, per tanti motivi.
E' un presidente vicino alle problematiche delle famiglie più deboli that have been sent onto the streets with the mortgage crisis Bush administration allowed the wicked. It 's a good man who is managing the campaign and that seems to have very clear ideas, is very open to dialogue and, above all, appears to be very responsible.
And it is young, finally!
As I hope and believe that the Financial Times azzeccherà no prediction about Italy, I hope that this time will bring luck to the Democratic candidate. Meanwhile, the Democrats
we go to the streets with a few hundred thousand people to protest against anything while the battle should be fought on the content. What matter if the people were 200 000 0 2 million? They always had a disappointing response Veltroni, the leader ...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Try Out 2010 Equipment Mls

Casino Legal

scheduled for today, October 25, 2008, the pluriannunciata manifestation of the Democratic Party against measures taken by the government on the economy, wages and school.
The event is not participating in the Italy of Values \u200b\u200bof the former Minister Di Pietro, who in fact has officially distanced himself from Veltroni as convinced that his opposition is weak. Yesterday, while one of the leaders of the UDC Rocco Buttiglione has said in an interview during the morning program Omnibus on LA7, that his party will not participate as a healthy opposition and concrete must be made in Parliament, Italy is a parliamentary democracy. Buttiglione
Among other things, to support of its argument, suggested that the parliament is to pass a law that somehow legalize gambling. After the poker, which is now legal in Italy, it seems that other board games or other casino could become legal.
And maybe a sign that Italy gets poorer? Italians in fact, a recent example being a millionaire playing the lottery, they prefer to rely on luck coming to invest up to 700 Euro per annum rather than relying on savings.
make gambling legal in fact is like putting a tax on poverty. Poor Italy.