rediscover the real flavors, save money and protect the environment
Riscoprire i
veri sapori ,
risparmiare denaro e contemporaneamente
salvaguardare l'ambiente è possibile. Come fare?
La risposta è più semplice di quanto si possa immaginare e comporta un semplice
cambio delle nostre abitudini di fare la spesa .
Every time you make a purchase at any supermarket in truth you are not making a choice
the product you buy, you are only collecting
what the supermarket, retail, the economy of mass has chosen for you or, worse, decided that you must collect.
products that are offered for sale in supermarkets
following economic logic,
market, more profit , at the expense of what?
expense of product quality, environment and biodiversity! Standardize products and flavors is not something that makes good quality and product diversification, not good for producers and thus to economic and social fabric of small and medium sized satellite business, agricultural and fruit and vegetable farming. Other
terrible consequences of mass distribution are the '
pollution derived from packaging and paperwork ending in a short time in the dustbin el'
pollution arising from transport of products from one end of the world / nation / region.
We can avoid all this, or at least limit it, by shopping directly from the manufacturers, selected according to the principles of biodiversity and solidarity, asking the manufacturer guarantees the quality di ciò che stiamo acquistando.
In questo modo, oltre ad avere una certezza dei prodotti che consumiamo, viene a crearsi un rapporto di intrinseca fiducia tra produttore e consumatore che sarà invogliato a produrre un bene di qualità e a basso impatto ambientale.
Per muoversi in questo senso potete semplicemente aderire ai
gruppi di acquisto solidale (GAS) , molto in voga e decisamente ben distribuiti sul territorio nazionale (
cerca il GAS più vicino a te ).
GAS sono gruppi di persone che decidono di incontrarsi per
acquistare all'ingrosso prodotti alimentari o di uso comune da distribuire tra loro, usando
concetti di solidarietà as guidelines in selecting the products.
For more information on what is a GAS
click here!
If you want to find out about producers who make
retail , markets and organic markets in the short chain
on shops that sell only products that certify the quality and sustainability of the asset sale.
If you are lucky enough to grow a garden even better. There are also specific ways in which each of us can take a vegetable garden, or come from manufacturers who offer the chance to collect their goods directly, with your own hands!
Far spending following these criteria, the priority is quality. While some products may be more expensive than the retail acquistatene less, however you are guaranteed a tasty product and certificate instead of a fake product that caused pollution and economically strangling the producers themselves.
We favor quality over quantity, we put on people, not the mere gain, we think the good environment and not the unrestrained consumerism.
THE MARKET WE DO IT EVERY TIME YOU BUY A Well, this is' our strength and we must use the max! Good and wiser spending at all!
Some useful links:
solidarity purchasing groups (GAS) conservation of biodiversity
http:/ / Various http://www.wwoof . it On Google Maps you can see a map of the GAS
reported by users in Milan and surrounding areas Place all links in the comments, thanks!